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Symptoms of a brain injury after an accident

On Behalf of Palacios Law Group

A traumatic brain injury can happen when sudden trauma in an accident damages your brain. Brain injuries can range from mild concussions to severe comas.

According to the Brain Trauma Foundation, in adults and children ranging in age from 1 to 44, brain injuries are the leading cause of disability and death. If you got into an accident and sustained a TBI, you may experience a range of cognitive, physical and emotional symptoms.

Cognitive symptoms

After a car accident or another serious accident, you may have a hard time concentrating or paying attention to certain tasks. Other cognitive symptoms can include trouble thinking clearly and issues with short and long-term memory.

Physical symptoms

You may feel abnormally bothered by bright lights or loud noises after your accident or feel like you have no energy if you have a brain injury. You may also experience headaches, nausea and vomiting and balance and dizziness problems.

Emotional symptoms

You may feel sadder and more down than normal after your accident and feel more emotional overall. You may also feel anxious, nervous, irritable or angry throughout the day if you incur a TBI.

The symptoms of a brain injury can develop shortly after the injury or days, weeks or even months following the initial trauma. You should seek emergency medical attention if you have a headache that gets worse and does not go away, you cannot stop vomiting, you feel incredibly confused by regular experiences or you lose consciousness for any period of time.

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