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Taking a look at job-related pedestrian accidents

On Behalf of Palacios Law Group

If you walk near traffic, you face the risk of a pedestrian accident, even if you are only walking around other vehicles for a short period of time. Pedestrian accidents occur in many different environments, from crowded intersections to rural areas and parking lots. Sometimes, these accidents even take place while someone is performing their job duties.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 5,977 pedestrians lot their lives in traffic accidents during 2017. There are a number of considerations that arise with respect to on-the-job pedestrian accidents and victims need a clear understanding of their legal options.

How are pedestrians injured while working?

From those who work in road construction to office workers picking up coffee, employees in many different occupations face the risk of a pedestrian accident while they are working. If you need to run errands, cross the street to a nearby location or work alongside the road for any reason, it is crucial to keep an eye out for reckless drivers and traffic hazards. Some people are especially likely to sustain injuries in a pedestrian accident, such as those who work on a road crew.

How can on-the-job pedestrian accident victims recover?

After a pedestrian accident, it is crucial for victims to carefully examine all of the details surrounding the accident. In some instances, workers’ compensation benefits help those hurt in job-related pedestrian accidents, but some victims need to file suit and hold reckless drivers accountable. Moreover, workers often need to take a break from work and focus on their health in order to recover from injuries.

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